Our Campuses

The five campuses of Albert Park College have each been architecturally designed to embrace their prime inner city locations on the edge of Port Phillip Bay and to foster learning and wellbeing.

A sixth campus, the college's most ambitious project yet, is due to begin construction in the Gasworks Arts Park.

Danks St Campus

The main campus of Albert Park College embraces the natural beauty of its location. Designed to blend into the neighbourhood streetscape, the campus has large windows and balcony spaces which flood the teaching areas with natural light orientated to maximise city and sea views. Open areas are planted with species indigenous to the area.

Recycled materials highlight the college's focus on sustainability while helping to create a welcoming learning environment.

The campus boasts purpose-built learning areas that support modern teaching practices for both collaborative and directional learning.

The Danks St Campus is equipped with:

  • A performing Arts Centre
  • A visual arts studio fitted with the latest design technology
  • Specialist science rooms
  • A food technology precinct incorporating two fully equipped teaching kitchens
  • A modern library that teaches research methodology and cultivates a love of reading
  • A fully equipped gymnasium and conditioning centre
  • A purpose-built media hub, which won a special award from the Victorian School Building Authority, due to the quality of the finish, functionality and cutting-edge design.

Bay St Campus

The Environmental Arts Hub Campus in Bay St was conceived as a focal point for the college's pioneering Year 9 DaVinci Program.

The program, which is specifically designed for Middle Year students, uses the study of environmental issues to expand their knowledge of the arts, humanities and sciences.

The Bay St campus is a stunning reimagining of two significant heritage listed buildings – the former Sandridge Post and Telegraph Office (built in 1862) and the Naval Drill Hall (1912).

The design highlights the heritage features of both buildings, and cleverly uses recycled and original materials to create warm and inviting educational spaces. For example, doors are used as bench tops and the original floor of the Naval Drill Hall has been repurposed as wall cladding.

The campus boasts an impressive performing and learning spaces, an in-house, student-run café, a marine laboratory and sustainable energy and heating systems.

When it opened, the campus won a number of state and national design awards.

Given its location and history, and the fact that the community helped raise funds to complete the project, it is fitting that the campus is regularly used by community as a studio for arts, yoga and meditation, a gallery, a function centre and a gathering space.

This in turn positions the College as “a shining example of how heritage places can be creatively adapted to take on new and important roles in their communities”
– Jury Chair Report, Heritage Architecture

Pickles St Campus

The Pickles St campus is housed in the historic Bastow school house on the corner of Pickles and Richardson St.

The campus is specifically designed to support Year 12 and VCE and IB students as they undertake their final college years. Built with an understanding of the importance – and associated stress - of these years in mind, the building is a sanctuary of calm, featuring tranquil Australian timbers, soft furnishings and hanging lamps, and finished in peaceful green tones.

It includes a specialist library, intimate classrooms and indoor/outdoor pavilions. The pavilions are landscaped to allow students space for meditation, yoga and private study.

The Pickles St campus offers Senior Years students a space of their own, which hones their focus and encourages excellence.

Gatehouse Campus

The Gatehouse is situated on Princes Pier in Port Melbourne. Restored in 2012, the Gatehouse is a culturally significant heritage site, having been one of Melbourne's premier arrival points for immigrants since 1912.

The free-standing building, which sits above the waters of Port Phillip Bay, serves as an external specialist classroom perfect for arts programs and exhibitions, as well as supporting the Da Vinci program's focus on marine environments.

Studio 120 Campus

One of the college's most innovative campuses, Studio 120 was borne out of necessity when, faced with a surge in enrolments, significant additional learning spaces were needed.

The college, with its typical innovation and flair, settled on a large office space in the heart of the main street of Port Melbourne.

Inspired by the art lofts of New York, the space was redesigned as a striking urban art studio, complete with north facing floor-to-ceiling windows, adorned with significant art and sculpture pieces, creative open spaces and a cafe.

Students from all years use this space for their creative and fine art projects.

Victorian Youth Arts Precinct

Construction on Albert Park College's most ambitious campus yet, the Victorian Youth Arts Precinct, is due to start shortly in the Gasworks Arts Park.

The precinct will be dedicated to developing young artists and the creative industries professionals of the future. It will boast a major theatre, studio theatre, training and rehearsal areas, exhibition spaces and the latest in lighting, audio, digital projection, 3D and stage technologies.

Graham Burrows of award-winning architecture firm Jackson Clements Burrows Architects has designed the space to make this a world-class facility. His design cleverly orientates the precinct towards the wonderful Gasworks Arts Park, and extensive use of glass walls will make performance and rehearsal spaces open and inviting to the whole community.

The site's 19th century industrial landscape has been sensitively incorporated into the design, while a transparent floating roof will bring all the elements together.

What is now neglected, semi-industrial land will be given new life and purpose under the guidance of heritage and history experts John Briggs Architects.

The Youth Arts Precinct will be managed jointly with the Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School (VCASS).