Albert Park College Title
TES Australian School of the Year
Education Perfect Secondary School of the Year (Government)
Student Voice School
of the Year 2021

Our Values

At Albert Park College we value:

  • A Positive Culture, encouraging students and staff to strive for excellence in all that we do.
  • Our Community, forming partnerships with local organisations to support and foster growth and community well-being
  • Knowledge and learning, celebrating academic achievement for our pupils and promoting life-long learning for our staff.
  • The Environment, wanting to bequeath a beautiful, sustainable world to our students.
  • International-mindedness, preparing our students to be global citizens with a passion for the world at large. We want them to explore it, engage with it and succeed in it.

The following five values underpin the culture of APC, a culture that fosters success, engagement and enjoyment of these wonderful years.

    A Positive Culture
  • we are positive, open and encourage a ‘can do' attitude
  • we celebrate a diverse range of skills and achievements
  • we encourage our students into higher education and training
  • we display leadership
    Community & Partnership
  • we respect, support and nurture those around us
  • we are fair, consistent and clear
  • we are actively engaged in a partnership of learning that includes students, teachers, parents and the wider community to improve learning
  • we respect knowledge, skills and creativity
  • we are open to new methods of teaching and learning
  • we challenge students to be their best at academic, sporting and artistic pursuits
  • we promote a culture of excellence in everything we do
  • we teach students to be custodians of the environment
  • we teach skills for the future
  • we aim for an environmentally sustainable school
  • we respect nations and cultures different from our own
  • we teach students to be global citizens
  • we build local, national and international partnerships to support learning

APC Child Safe Policy Doc

Students are at the centre of everything we do.