Albert Park College Title
TES Australian School of the Year
Education Perfect Secondary School of the Year (Government)
Student Voice School
of the Year 2021

Student Leadership

Our student leadership program aims to develop global citizens driven by a genuine willingness to contribute to society.

The program, which builds on the college's culture of trust and mutual respect, requires students to work in teams to develop their leadership skills and then model these skills in the community.

The college has a broad range of leadership options, which allow students to take an active role in their own education.

Students who show an aptitude for leadership are provided opportunities to take part in the Victorian Youth Parliament program, the Model UN, competitive debating, and apply for a range of internal school leadership positions across all year levels.

Our purpose-built program for years 7 to 9 students includes a range of activities such as sailing, lifesaving and first aid to help students build crucial team skills and confidence, a pre-requisite for future leaders.

Our annual leadership camp also offers an opportunity for students to further their skills speaking to a group and being an effective team leader.