Positive Education

Academic performance of course is only half the story of developing the young person. Equally important is developing fine young adults with the right values and beliefs. The positive education program we offer, in partnership with parents is designed to help develop our students as outstanding citizens–– caring and strong young people with a clear understanding of their place in the world.

The Positive Education Model at Albert Park College is designed to develop and nurture the ‘whole person for the attainment of the good life'.

Positive Education is an approach to education that melds a child's character and wellbeing development with their academic pursuits.

What this looks like in practice:

  • Explicit teaching of neuroscience.
  • How the mind responds to issues such as stress, conflict, love, etc.
  • Modelling and encouraging a growth mindset.
  • Explicit teaching and encouragement of thinking skills.

The Positive Education Mentor is the first port of call for both parents and students if personal, academic or family issues arise. It is important that mentors and their students build positive relationships. Positive Education lessons occur once a week and in this time students follow curriculum focused on the personal, social, ethical and intercultural capabilities of the Victorian curriculum.

Student Voice & Leadership

The Student Voice team, School Captain's group and Student Representation Council play an important role in giving students' voice in their learning and all groups are active in fostering connectiveness and engagement across the student body and curriculum.

Our Leadership Program develops global citizens driven by a genuine willingness to contribute to our society. Each program builds on our culture of trust and mutual respect requiring students to work in teams to build their leadership skills and then model these skills in our community.

Albert Park College has a broad range of leadership programs allowing students to take an active role in their education. Students who show an aptitude for these skills are provided extension opportunities including access to the Victorian Youth Parliament program, the Model UN, competitive debate club, Student Representative Council and internal school leadership positions across all year levels.